PyTom: Python and Tomography



This is our standalone GPU template matching module. It contains the most recent updates and has the best performance. It is available via GitHub:

User documentation and a tutorial can be found in:

We are happy to answer questions in the GitHub Discussions forum of our package! This makes it easy for others to follow and comment on the questions, and documents the questions and answers. Also, if you have any feature requests or ideas this is a great place to share them!

For bug reports, please make an issue report on the GitHub Issues page.



The main PyTom repository, available via GitHub:

User documentation and tutorials can be found in:

Bug reports and feature requests can be reported on the issue list of the repository: PyTom issues.


Legacy code and documentation

PyTom code v0.971 (i.e., prior to move to GitHub) is hosted at SourceForge

For the reference, we also provide PyTom v0.971 API

PyTom quick tutorial (from 2013) pptx